Psalm 23
Week 5 Resources
Since we aren’t able to gather at this moment for Bible Study, we thought we would provide a self-guided/DIY option. We will be studying Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Chandler from RightNow Media. We will provide you with a learning guide. You will need to make a FREE RightNow Media account to access the videos.
As we continue building our trust in the Great Shepherd, pray:
— That God would affirm his love for you.
— That God would build your confidence of your salvation.
As well, please pray:
— For those in our church who are experiencing illness.
— For those in our church who are experiencing loneliness.
This week, we invite you to consider this brief Hebrew lesson:
Most English translations render the Hebrew term dashan, which David uses in verse 5, as “anoint.” While technically it isn’t an incorrect translation, the context of the psalm suggests otherwise. When we see the term “anoint” in Scripture, it often indicates an act of initiating someone into royalty. However, that’s not at play in Psalm 23. The form and context of dashan here gets more at the idea of God’s hospitality. Bearing that in mind, a better translation would be to “refresh,” which reiterates God’s care for his people. Proverbs 15:30 is a helpful parallel. The same term is used in that verse to describe the refreshing effect of good news. God provides for his people abundantly preparing a feast, filling our cups to the point of overflowing, and offering the refreshment we need.
If you would like to discuss anything that you are learning or would like someone to pray with you, please reach out to Cadet Zach at 807-708-1935.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
This is our fourth worship service focusing on Psalm 23. As our in-person worship was cancelled because of the weather, Cadet Zach brings the word from home on Psalm 23:5.
Week 4 Resources
Since we aren’t able to gather at this moment for Bible Study, we thought we would provide a self-guided/DIY option. We will be studying Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Chandler from RightNow Media. We will provide you with a learning guide. You will need to make a FREE RightNow Media account to access the videos.
As we continue building our trust in the Great Shepherd, pray:
— That God would draw near to you while you are in the darkest valley.
— That God would build up an insolation so that when you do find yourself in the valley, you’d be equipped to face it.
As well, please pray:
— For those in our church who are experiencing illness.
— For those in our church who are experiencing loneliness.
This week, we challenge you to read more about biblical suffering in the following verses:
John 16:32–33
Romans 5:1–5
James 1:2–4
Based on these passages, does suffering seem like an optional experience for Christians in this world?
What is the purpose of suffering in our lives?
In what ways do these passages echo David’s words in Psalm 23 about our hope in suffering?
If you would like to discuss anything that you are learning or would like someone to pray with you, please reach out to Cadet Zach at 807-708-1935.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
This is our fourth worship service focusing on Psalm 23. Cadet Julia brings the word focusing on Psalm 23:4.
Week 3 Resources
Since we aren’t able to gather at this moment for Bible Study, we thought we would provide a self-guided/DIY option. We will be studying Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Chandler from RightNow Media. We will provide you with a learning guide. You will need to make a FREE RightNow Media account to access the videos.
As we continue building our trust in the Great Shepherd, pray:
— That God would reveal to you areas of your life in which He invites you to live for His name’s sake.
— That God would show you ways in which you can walk on paths of righteousness.
As well, please pray:
— For those in our church who are experiencing illness.
— For those in our church who are experiencing loneliness.
This week, we challenge you to consider this brief Hebrew lesson:
The Hebrew term David uses to describe righteousness is zedek. In its most basic sense, the word refers to that which is right or upright. But in the context of Psalm 23, it carries a deeper sense. Certainly, God cares for our physical well-being and often leads us along such paths, but he is far more concerned with the makeup of our hearts. The zedek David has in mind here concerns external health, but also internal salvation. So not only does he provide us a place among his flock and grant us the peace we need, but he also extends to us salvation for the sake of his name, which is further made clear through the example of Jesus Christ who laid down his life for his sheep. Psalm 23 may be short, but it overflows with the generosity of our God in heaven.
If you would like to discuss anything that you are learning or would like someone to pray with you, please reach out to Cadet Zach at 807-708-1935.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
This is our third worship service focusing on Psalm 23. Cadet Zach brings the word focusing on Psalm 23:3.
Week 2 Resources
Since we aren’t able to gather at this moment for Bible Study, we thought we would provide a self-guided/DIY option. We will be studying Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Chandler from RightNow Media. We will provide you with a learning guide. You will need to make a FREE RightNow Media account to access the videos.
As we continue building our trust in the Great Shepherd, pray:
— That God would reveal to you areas of your life in which you need rest.
— That God would show you ways in which you try to rest that are not fruitful.
— For God’s guidance and wisdom in seeking true and proper rest from Him.
This week, we challenge you to read more about peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ in the following verses:
Galatians 1:3–5
1 John 3:18–20
According to Paul in Galatians, what is the basis for our deliverance from “the present evil age” to a place of peace?
Because of our deliverance, how does John instruct us to “reassure our hearts”?
Taken together, how should these two passages inform the way we pursue peace?
If you would like to discuss anything that you are learning or would like someone to pray with you, please reach out to Cadet Zach at 807-708-1935.
Sunday, January 30, 2022
This is our second worship service focusing on Psalm 23. Cadet Zach brings the word focusing on Psalm 23:2.
Week 1 Resources
Since we aren’t able to gather at this moment for Bible Study, we thought we would provide a self-guided/DIY option. We will be studying Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Chandler from RightNow Media. We will provide you with a learning guide. You will need to make a FREE RightNow Media account to access the videos.
As we learn that God is our Great Shepherd, pray:
— That God would reveal to you false shepherds in your life.
— For God’s guidance and wisdom to know where His voice is.
— That your obedience will become easier and more natural.
Additionally, this week’s prayer focus is on the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray:
— For the doctors, nurses, and those on the frontlines.
— For those who are ill with COVID-19 and those who have family and friends ill with COVID-19.
— For those who are affected disproportionately by lockdown measures (such as those in financial need, seniors, children, etc.).
This week, we challenge you to read more about the highs and lows of David’s life in the following verses:
1 Samuel 17:1–58
2 Samuel 5:1–5
2 Samuel 11:1–12:23
What did you learn about David from these passages that you did not know before?
In what ways do they help you relate to David as a human being?
How could a deeper understanding of David’s life shape the way you relate to his words in Psalm 23?
If you would like to discuss anything that you are learning or would like someone to pray with you, please reach out to Cadet Zach at 807-708-1935.
Sunday, January 23, 2022
In case you missed it, here is the first worship service for our Psalm 23 series. Cadet Zach brings the word from Psalm 23:1.